Operating responsibly
No minimum order required. Weekly service regardless of customer location. Ensuring temperature and humidity conditions during transport.


Imedica S.A. is registering, importing, promoting, selling and finally delivering its products (medicines, food supplements, cosmetics and medical devices) throughout Romania. Our suppliers, that we consider partners, are producers from the European Community and from third countries.

Imedica S.A. finally contributes, through its R&D department, to the research of new and old molecules, new combinations and food supplements. The implementation of the research is achieved through a CRO , which provides services both for in-house studies and for other companies, all stages of clinical studies being covered from stage I (bioequivalence) to stage V.

For medicines imported from third countries, Imedica is organized in releasing the batch series of the products.


European Community manufacturers:

Third countries manufacturers:

Romanian Manufacturers:

Services provided to suppliers:


Servicii oferite clienţilor:


Aria de distribuţie
Imedica, prin dotarea pe care o are, acoperă cu activitatea de distribuţie de medicamente întreaga ţară.

Pentru a facilita activitatea de distribuţie, Imedica dispune de o flotă dedicată de 30 de maşini de diferite capacităţi. Spaţiul de depozitare al maşinilor este dotat cu instalaţie care realizează temperatura controlată şi dispozitive de monitorizare a temperaturii în timpul transportului.